Civil Trials and Arbitrations
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Civil Trials and Arbitrations

Tried and Arbitrated Numerous Cases

The decision to take a case to trial or arbitration always involves risk.  You need attorneys who understand the financial and operational sacrifice you have to make to see a case through to verdict or decision.

The attorneys of Cole Pedroza have been there.  We have successfully handled, tried and arbitrated numerous cases in a wide-range of matters.  Representative areas in which we have handled and tried cases include:

  • Employment
  • Medical Staff related matters
  • Payor/Provider Disputes
  • Equitable Subrogation/Contribution/Indemnity
  • Insurance Coverage
  • Malpractice

Tried and Arbitrated Numerous Cases

The decision to take a case to trial or arbitration always involves risk.  You need attorneys who understand the financial and operational sacrifice you have to make to see a case through to verdict or decision.

The attorneys of Cole Pedroza have been there.  We have successfully handled, tried and arbitrated numerous cases in a wide-range of matters.  Representative areas in which we have handled and tried cases include:

  • Employment
  • Medical Staff related matters
  • Payor/Provider Disputes
  • Equitable Subrogation/Contribution/Indemnity
  • Insurance Coverage
  • Malpractice

Benefit from our Early Evaluations

Despite our ready willingness to try cases, our clients benefit from our early evaluations.  Not every case should be tried.  We counsel our clients early in litigation to avoid needless litigation in those cases that should be resolved short of trial.